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Epitaph for Lily, by Marilyn Vasta, June 2019

Our Lily died peacefully this week. She lived strong and sweet for 18 and a half years. Ron asked her years ago to live until Emma graduated from college, then the request extended to law school. Lily complied and we cherished our days with her.

All creatures are special. Lily was uberspecial. She had a will of steel and her 10lb presence was always felt. She loved other dogs, and they her. On the streets of NY Lily was a Queen. She was the doggie dog whisperer, calming and engaging her species in all encounters. Dogs felt her soothing presence. She helped Sammy, our other fluffy friend, grow into the darling we all love.
Lily was born on Feb 2, 2001. She was the prettiest bichon ever, and was a great athlete. Alan Berkman, our dear friend, once remarked after watching Lily for a weekend, “you didn’t tell us she had horizontal abilities”, as she could jump onto any surface. The weekend after 9/11 Lily chased a bear into the woods! The bear escaped.....

Mostly, Lily was our beloved family member. She was the holder of Emma’s childhood secrets, our other daughter. She taught us all to be better beings.

In the end, as frailty took over, we all held her and kissed her. We we will forever love for our dearest girl.

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